I’m getting status 403 Forbidden when fetching consumption for a meter
Access to consumption values and readings is only allowed for meters that the user has chosen to activate and that are not revoked. Revoked means that the utility contract is cancelled or the meter was shared from another user that has later revoked that sharing so the user no longer should have access to the consumption data.
Consumption values will also only be included in streams and exports for meters that are activated and not revoked.
How are time zones and daylight-saving-time handled?
Consumption data in Metry is always stored in “normal” time in the time zone where the meter is located. That is, without any daylight saving time offsets. The time zone is defined on the meter and can be found in the API response when listing meters.
Meter is missing in response from the API
When listing meters in the API, only the first 50 found meters are returned in the response. To receive all meters, it is necessary to make multiple request together with the “skip” parameter in the query until no more meters are found.
Consumption values do not exist in my system
There are various normal reasons for why a consumption value does not yet exist. This could because an analog meter not yet have been read manually or that the utility provider not have published the values. Please verify that the value does not exist in Metry before contacting support. Also note that external systems can not fetch consumption or readings for meters that are revoked (contract is cancelled by the provider) or not in the boxes active or temporary.
If the value does exist in Metry but not in your system, It is likely a problem with the integration between the system and Metry. Some systems import values from Metry periodically such as once per month. In that case, the value may have been added in Metry since the last import was made. Talk to your systems provider to see if it is possible to import values from Metry more often.